NEWS Health Fitness
Nutrition Health Fitness |
Nutrition is all about eating balanced and healthy food. Food and drink provide energy and nutrients to body which needed to be healthy. good nutrition and physical activities can help to maintain a healthy weight. But well nutrition benefits go beyond weight. Good nutrition can help to reduce some health problems, diseases, diabetes, stroke, some cancers and many more. Health Fitness
Nutrition is the process of a living being ability to eat foods and use the components of those foods to fuel growth and development. Nutrition is important to understand so that we can make healthy food choices. Health Fitness
Nutrition means the process by which the body takes in and uses food. Nutrition is one of most important thing in keeping a healthy long living body. Nutrition is the science of food and its relationship to health. it is concerned primarily with the part played by the nutrient in body growth, development and maintenance. Health Fitness
Exercise Health Fitness |
Some activity requiring physical efforts, carry out to improve health and fitness. Bodily or mentally exertion , especially for the sake of training or improvement of health. Walking is good for health and its simple exercise.
Health Fitness Form of physical activity done primarily to improve health and physical fitness. World Health Organization said " a state of complete mental, physical, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity''. Exercise is good for health and fit life. Exercise circulate blood and it helps to be fit. Health Fitness
Water Health Fitness |
The liquid that descends from rain or clouds, forms streams , seas, lakes, river, and its major constituents for all living matter and that when its odorless, tasteless and slightly compressible liquid oxide of hydrogen H
2O which appears bluish in thick layers.
Health Fitness
According to science 70 to 75 % of human body is water. Water is most important thing for living and also for body health. Minimum 2 ltr water for daily intake. And according to fitness you required 1 ltr water for /20 kg of your body weight. Drink water while seating . If you are drinking water while standing then joint pain happens. Drink water slowly sip by sip.
Health Fitness
Sleep Health Fitness |
A condition of body and mind typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive the eyes closed, the muscles relaxed and consciousness practically suspended. Rest is a condition which the body is in a decreased state of activity without physical emotional stress and freedom from anxiety.
Health Fitness
Sleep is a state of rest accompanied by altered level of consciousness and relative inactivity and perception to environment are decreased. Human body required minimum 7-8 hrs sleeping at night.
If your sleep is not complete then you feel lazy or inactive whole day.
Health Fitness
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