Watermelon has a long history. Watermelon has a Sanskrit word, and the fruits are represented in early Egyptian art, reflecting antiquity in agriculture for over 4,000 years. Dominance and selective breeding result in sweet large fruits with soft flesh and few seeds. Some modern "seedless" farms have almost no viable seed.
Watermelon is an annual plant that grows well in hot climates. Its vines grow in the ground and the leaves are cut deep, and the deep leaves, and flowers on the leaf axils (e.g., where the leaf appears on the stem). Each pale yellow flower produces only male or female, pollen or fruit. Health Fitness
According to scientists, watermelon is an effective natural weapon against the occurrence of pre-hypertension, a precursor to cardiovascular disease. They are the richest natural food sources of L- citrulline – an essential amino acid required for the formation of nitric oxide, which regulates heart rate and blood pressure healthy. In addition to the cardiovascular benefits of citrulline, watermelon provides vitamins A, B6, C, fiber, potassium, and lycopene ( powerful antioxidants ).
Hawthorn Health Fitness
Hawthorn Health Fitness |
Hawthorn is used for congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, and irregular heartbeat, as well as cardiovascular disease. It is used to treat both low blood pressure and hypertension, "atherosclerosis" (atherosclerosis), and high cholesterol. To date, research suggests that hawthorn may be effective in treating heart failure, but there is insufficient research to determine whether it is effective in other cardiac uses.
It is also used to reduce anxiety, as a sedative, to increase urination and for structural problems. Health Fitness Some people apply hawthorn on the skin for boils, sores and ulcers. Hawthorn preparations are used to wash wounds, itching, and blizzards.
You will find hawthorn in the ingredients in candid fruit slices, jams, jellies and wines.
Before taking hawthorn, talk to your healthcare professional if you are taking any medications. This is the main interaction with many prescription drugs.
Hawthorn fruit is commonly grown in the mountains, vitamins, flavonoids – antioxidants are naturally efficient, enhance the body’s immune system, helps heart health, lower blood pressure, and diuretic extremely well.
Hibiscus flower
Hibiscus flower Health Fitness |
Hibiscus flowers come in many colors. They are red, yellow, white, or peach in color and can grow up to 6 inches wide. The most popular type is the hibiscus submarine. Red flowers of this variety are usually grown for medicinal purposes and are available as supplements. Health Fitness
Hibiscus tea, also known as sour tea due to its thick taste, is made from a blend of dried hibiscus flowers, leaves, and dark red calluses (cup-shaped flower centers). After the flower blooms, the petals fall off and the calm turns into pods. They keep the seeds of the plant. Calories are often the main ingredient in hibiscus-containing herbal drinks. Hibiscus is used by many cultures as a remedy for many conditions. The Egyptians used hibiscus tea as a diuretic to lower body temperature, treat heart and nerve diseases, and increase urination.
In Africa, tea has been used to treat constipation, cancer, liver disease, and cold symptoms. The pulp made from the leaves is applied to the skin to heal wounds.
In Iran, drinking sour tea is still a common treatment for high blood pressure.
According to a Tufts University study, hibiscus flower tea every day helps lower blood pressure and increase heart health risk for people with high blood pressure. Hibiscus flower tea affects the blood vessels dilate, making metabolic enzymes prevent hypertension.
Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate Health Fitness |
No introduction is required to this highly valuable food dating back to 2000 BC. At that time, the Mayans in Central America, the first connoisseurs of chocolate, drank it as a bitter fermented drink mixed with spices or alcohol. Today, long rows of neatly seated chocolate squares on the shelves of your store are the end result of several steps that start out as a cocoa pod, larger than your hand size. The seeds (or beans) are extracted from the nuts and fermented, dried, and roasted into what we identify as cocoa beans. Bean shells can be separated from meat or cocoa nibs. Nib chocolate is ground into a liquid called alcohol and separated from the fat component or cocoa butter. The wine is further refined so that cocoa solids and chocolate are produced. After the nimbus is removed, the cocoa beans are added to the cocoa powder, which is used in baking or beverages.
Dark chocolate contains 50-90% cocoa solids, cocoa butter, and sugar, while milk chocolate contains 10-50% cocoa solids, cocoa butter, milk and some form of sugar. Dark chocolate should not contain milk, as cross-contamination during processing can lead to traces of milk, as the same machines are often used to produce milk and dark chocolate. Low-quality chocolate may also contain butter fats, vegetable oils, or artificial colors or flavors. White chocolate has no cocoa solids and can only be made with cocoa butter, sugar and milk. Health Fitness
Dark chocolate contains at least 70 % cocoa powder. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association ( JAMA ), consumes about 30 calories per day (about one small square bar ) dark chocolate helps lower blood pressure after 18 weeks without weight gain or not cause other side effects.
Bananas Health Fitness |
Bananas are known to be high in potassium. Medium bananas contain 4,500 mg of potassium which is 422 mg in an adult. Potassium helps the body to regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Bananas are also a good source of energy, with 105 calories and 26.95 grams of carbohydrates per banana. 3.1 grams of fiber in regular bananas also help with bowel movements and stomach problems such as ulcers and colitis.
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. These contain important nutrients that have a protective effect on health. Eating a banana lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of cancer. Doctors also look at the health risks associated with bananas.
Banana is one of the most attractive fruits in the world. According to the United Nations, global banana exports in 2015 reached 18 million tonnes. Half of them have moved to the United States and European markets. In the United States, each person eats 11.4 pounds. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Banana for the year, is a favorite fresh fruit for Americans. Health Fitness
Laura Flores, a nutritionist from San Diego, says bananas are high in pectin, a type of potassium and fiber. These are a good way to get magnesium and vitamin C and B6.
"Bananas reduce inflammation, protect against the development of type 2 diabetes, help with strengthen the nervous system and help produce white blood cells, all of which are high in vitamin B6 cause bananas," says Flores Live Science. Bananas are rich in potassium and foods that help lower blood pressure very well. Eat a banana in the morning or afternoon with almonds. Also, you can chop the banana into small pieces, put into bags, and put it in the fridge to enjoy.
Garlic Health Fitness
It has the power to cook any recipe quickly and cure some common ailments. While garlic is a common ingredient in every kitchen, in ancient times, it was valued for its many health-enhancing properties, which are still practiced in many cultures today. Our ancestors used it as a bug-repellent, medieval Europe against the plague and the Egyptians even buried it with their dead! Some of the benefits of garlic are found in sulfur-containing compounds, allicin, fresh, crushed, or chewed garlic, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Some shocking claims claim that it can also help prevent certain types of cancer. Garlic is good for health benefits. Garlic is a part of the onion family and the 'bulb' of this herb consists of 10-20 small squares commonly called 'cloves'. Each small clove has medicinal properties along with the power of flavor. Health FitnessGarlic contains sulfur compounds from allicin, which has a positive effect on protection and prevention against diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. In addition, many studies show that eating garlic regularly helps the body fight diseases like cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer.
Purple sweet potato
Purple sweet potato Health Fitness |
They are a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamins, and other important nutrients.In addition to weight loss effects, purple sweet potatoes also have great utility in the treatment of high blood pressure. When should eat sweet potatoes to bake the crust, but not so fried boiled, fried to avoid the reduction of oxidative components in potatoes. In particular, should not eat potatoes with margarine, it will take effect ” stabilizing ” blood pressure. Health Fitness
Raisins Health Fitness
High in potassium, raisins are extremely important factors to help lower blood pressure. Raisins should be part of a diet with a high proportion of fiber, low-fat content, which helps reduce blood pressure. Health Fitness